Friday, 24 April 2020

Copyright Protection and its Relation to Parodies

The paper opens with the brief facts and judgement of Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. The case is vital to introduce copyright law and its extension to parodies. The author has divided the paper into five parts, inclusive of the introduction and conclusion. The first part lays the foundation for the paper. The second part deals with copyright protection and gives a detailed analysis of its requirements – originality of works and expression of thoughts. In the third part, the author has provided an insight into one of the defences of copyright infringement. This part focuses on both fair use, as is prevalent in the United States, and the doctrine of fair dealing that is followed in the United Kingdom and India. The author elaborates upon the four factors of fair use. The fourth part looks at parodies and gives a justification about why they are protected from the accusation of infringement. In this part, the author has also distinguished between parodies and satire. The author hopes that the paper will provide clarity of concept, and promises not to file a suit in case a parody is made.

The entire paper is available here -

The Mahabharata: An Analysis of Female Gender Roles in the Epic

The foundation of Hindu thought is made of sacred tales of gods, kings and sages. The Mahabharata is a beautiful, yet complex maze of different stories, characters and themes that are woven in the broader story of a fight between two sets of cousins. It is a poetic representation of many facets of life while simultaneously reflecting various relationships and status of women in society. Women played an essential role during the Mahabharata. Everywhere in the Epic, the Indian woman is described as beautiful and of high moral character. Different expressions are used to describe the personality and beauty of women. Behind this physical beauty lies a more dark and twisted truth. 

This article shall analyse the various roles women play in their lives during the Mahabharata. Instead of focussing on individual anecdotes, the author shall do a theme-wise study. An analysis of the role of a woman as a wife and a mother is done and the article concludes with a brief analysis of the legislation and role of women in society as we know it today.

Find the entire article written here -