Saturday 22 May 2021

Searching for you

We're sitting on the couch again

Going over what used to be

I call it 'a mistake in disguise.'

You, a 'bittersweet symphony.'

It started in the library hall.

You were lost, quite literally, too.

While you search for self-help books, 

My eyes just searched for you.

We talked about the Roman Empire, 

And whether tomatoes are really fruits?

You made that little piggy laugh

When I disclaimed my favourite show is Suits

I remember it was raining cats and dogs

When you got down on your knee

"This isn't transitional; it's not a phase

Oh, Darling, this is meant to be."

I'm standing in the bridal store.

"You look lovely! Oh, what a delight."

My stomach feels the way when we got hungover together

It's all falling into place, but something's not right.

I stare outside the window, waiting for you

There's no moonlight tonight; it's only clouded.

You go over the seating plan for D-Day

Wait, did you always chew this loud?

Your sandalwood musk suddenty hurts my nose

The phone buzzing is giving me a headache

"Darling, lilies or roses at the altar?"

But all I'm thinking is that this is a mistake.

6 months later, I hear my doorbell ring

You stand there gorgeous as ever, with a box of my stuff

My day started with your kisses, ended with our long walks

When did this become enough?

As I close the door behind me

I see your finger with the wedding ring

I didn't know the wound was still open, 

And in my heart, I feel a sting.

You pick the cup set aside on the table

Milk, no sugar, just as you used to

That's how I won your heart the first time

With a strong cup of fresh brew

We take our seats on the couch 

Talking about what is and what used to be 

For you loved who I was when I was around you 

But you never saw the true me.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Frozen in Time

It's that time of the year again
When we're sitting by the lake.
New stories that you tell me
New memories that we make.
The moon shines upon us
Your eyes are brighter than the stars
No worries and no hesitations
This moment is purely ours.
You bend to pick the flowers
"I'll make a crown for you!"
There's nowhere else I'd rather be,
There's nothing I'd rather do.
As my eyes follow the fireflies
There's a splash in the background.
The flower crown falls from my hands
As I turn around.
I reach out my arms to catch you
But I can't hear myself scream
All I want is for you to hug and pinch me
Just tell me this is a bad dream 
I come by the lake with Them
Their hands aren't as soft as yours
I'm watching as the sun rises,
And still sitting as the rain pours.
The flower crowns aren't as tidy
I detest roses, you knew.
I pretend to laugh at their stories
Only my tears for you are true.
Over the Summer I learnt to swim
Not to save Them, but to save me.
Cause you see, Darling, you might be gone
But with Them, I'm not really free.
They take and take without gratitude
And I have only learnt to give.
Without you holding my hands so tight
I believe I've forgotten how to live.

It's that time of the year again
When I'm sitting by the lake.
Remembering the stories that you told me
No new memories that I make.

Friday 24 April 2020

Copyright Protection and its Relation to Parodies

The paper opens with the brief facts and judgement of Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. The case is vital to introduce copyright law and its extension to parodies. The author has divided the paper into five parts, inclusive of the introduction and conclusion. The first part lays the foundation for the paper. The second part deals with copyright protection and gives a detailed analysis of its requirements – originality of works and expression of thoughts. In the third part, the author has provided an insight into one of the defences of copyright infringement. This part focuses on both fair use, as is prevalent in the United States, and the doctrine of fair dealing that is followed in the United Kingdom and India. The author elaborates upon the four factors of fair use. The fourth part looks at parodies and gives a justification about why they are protected from the accusation of infringement. In this part, the author has also distinguished between parodies and satire. The author hopes that the paper will provide clarity of concept, and promises not to file a suit in case a parody is made.

The entire paper is available here -

The Mahabharata: An Analysis of Female Gender Roles in the Epic

The foundation of Hindu thought is made of sacred tales of gods, kings and sages. The Mahabharata is a beautiful, yet complex maze of different stories, characters and themes that are woven in the broader story of a fight between two sets of cousins. It is a poetic representation of many facets of life while simultaneously reflecting various relationships and status of women in society. Women played an essential role during the Mahabharata. Everywhere in the Epic, the Indian woman is described as beautiful and of high moral character. Different expressions are used to describe the personality and beauty of women. Behind this physical beauty lies a more dark and twisted truth. 

This article shall analyse the various roles women play in their lives during the Mahabharata. Instead of focussing on individual anecdotes, the author shall do a theme-wise study. An analysis of the role of a woman as a wife and a mother is done and the article concludes with a brief analysis of the legislation and role of women in society as we know it today.

Find the entire article written here -

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Eyes on the Prize

There’s a question bugging me, my Darling,
That today I pose to you.
Why do we have a specific target,
When we do stuff that we do?
There’s a battle that goes on in my head.
Which prize is more prestigious? I cannot choose.
Is it that engraved crystal trophy that I want
Or words of praise in the critics’ reviews?
The audience stands up to applaud me,
My eyes search for the silk crimson tie
Your disappointed face shows lack adoration,
Making me ask myself, “Why do I even try?”
I’ve failed to impress you with my art,
Neither accolades nor cooking have done the trick.
Our arms are entwined in each others’
Yet, I’m still feeling lost and homesick.
So tell me what’s the missing ingredient, Darling?
The world at my feet, and yet I look for you.
Why are you the real target in my head,
When I do the stuff that I do?

Saturday 9 February 2019


It's been ten long days and ten longer nights.
But the fire within still burns bright.
Running through the forests in search of gold
Anxious to know how my story will unfold.
News on the street was that he's missing.
Maybe stuck in a tree, poor Prince Charming.
Determined to find him, I continue my quest.
Only the weak stop for food, shelter or rest.


The castle is now visible in the moonlight quite pale
In the centre of the room, sits a Prince, thin and frail.
Eyes full of admiration, he's rejoiced to see,
That I've sailed across oceans to set him free.
Helpless yet hopeful, he takes my hand.
Eager to go with me in a far away land.
Headlines will read: "Dame saves the Knight"
The events of the evening were indeed a delight.
Mounted on the horse, we jump the castle wall.
This story has a fairytale ending after all.


The castle is now visible in the moonlight quite pale
I'm anxious to unveil the truth that the darkness entails.
Something is shining in the corner of the room
Seeing my reflection takes away my gloom.
I finally did find gold on this long quest
Crossing all obstacles, passing all tests.
The journey made me fall in love, it's true
But I'll be discovering myself, who knew?
My saviour turned out to be the mirror on the wall
This story has a fairytale ending after all.


The castle is now visible in the moonlight quite pale
But it's been abandoned! Oh, a twist in the tale!
The windows have been broken, pieces of glass all around
I search everywhere but the Prince is nowhere to be found.
With a heavy heart, I head back to my city,
I can hear the town talking, their eyes full of pity.
Seeing me approach the door, my Prince Charming rises.
Oh my, he's here! Today's been full of surprises.
Eyes meet, lips kiss, in his arms I fall,
This story has a fairytale ending after all.

Monday 7 January 2019

The lamp switched on, and then off again,
It was a repetitive motion.
The streets were silent at this hour,
In her head though, there was a commotion.
The evening had gone pretty well,
His hands led, her legs followed.
His blue eyes twinkled, her smile never faded
Hopelessly, another sleeping pill she swallowed.
He walked around aimlessly in his studio,
The picture of her face etched in his mind .
She'd become the reason for his existence,
A gem he'd never again find!
The sound of a bell startled her.
Excited, she grabbed for the phone.
"Come over, Darling. I miss you.
Without you by my side, I'm all alone."

Her secretary rang the bell again.
Hands heavy with files of pending accusations.
She glanced at the screen, one last time.
"No notifications."